Saturday, March 26, 2005

Comments from the Past

This is a reply to the comments I received from an ex-colleague of mine in the Ghost Hunting group.
who I might add, had no problem with or (so called) bitched about behind their back.

The comment about there are no more bitching or backstabbing in the group, hmmm interesting that you say I was responsible for most of it, considering that it was your daughter, the "fearless" leader of the group did most of the bitching about members of the group and ex members of the group.
the way she used to bitch and lose her temper at Martin at every investigation was very unprofessional, if they have marriage problems (which I think they do) then they should sort it out at home and not take it with them on the hunts.
And as for the team working great together now that I have gone, maybe it has something to do with the fact that no one would ever question or stand up to Sarah's orders. Talk about a bunch of sheep!
there was only one other member of that group who had enough balls to question things and who I respected and that was Jess.

And as for me slagging off and backstabbing every member of the group,
What the fuck are you on ?
As I recall, I moaned about Sarah to you and Martin to do with her behavior.
I have never slagged off Martin, All I have ever said to him was to grow a pair and stand up to Sarah.
Jess I have never slagged off, I was the one who told you lot at the party to trust her, as you thought she would betray you all like Jackie did.
Alison I can't believe you think I would stab you in the back, the only time I have ever been pissed off with you is with that comment you have left on this blog.
and as for James, yes I admit I have slagged him off and backstabbed him, That's because I don't like him, he is a complete fucking twat who thinks he knows alot more then he does, and who has the amazing ability at giving cold readings.
Don't forget I know him a hell of alot better then any of you will ever do.

I have never forgotten what Martin and Sarah has done for me, yes they did help me when I was at my lowest point in my life, and I did thank them many times for that.
but for them not to wish me luck, being happy for me, and not making any kind of effort at getting to know my Girlfriend was way out of order.

The amount of times that I have had to listen to both Martin and Sarah bitching to me about each other got on my nerves quite a bit.
The times when Martin used to ring me up and moan about Sarah, what she did, who she is flirting with this time, the lack of any love in the relationship, etc.
and then having to deal with the same things with Sarah, but on more of a personal note, having her throw her self at any bloke, her flirting away with me and posting on her journal that something might happen between us, and then have Martin ring me up in the middle of the night or meeting up with me asking stupid questions about if I fancy his wife, really started to piss me off.
so yeh I got a lot of bullshit from this group, but I put up with it until now.

I do not need to grow up, I'm quite mature and very much an adult, if you are thinking that I am not due to this post, tough shit!
this is my fricking journal, I can write whatever I like.

I know how to treat people in a decent manner,
Just ask any of my true friends.


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