Saturday, March 26, 2005

He's Back and It's About Time !

Well I've just watched the first brand new epsiode of Dr.Who after 16 years, and I have got to say it was well worth it!.
Chris Eccleston was not that bad as the Doctor and his humour was well timed, He acted like a 900 year old Timelord with his sense of alienness to the plight of certain humans in the story.
Billie Piper was really good as his sidekick Rose, Thank god she has given up on the singing as her acting is alot better.
reminds me off the 7th Doctor's sidekick Ace, very tough and strongwilled.

The theme tune was updated to a very good standard and the special effects were almost movie like.

I had something in my eye when I gazed upon the Tardis, an old friend has finally come home.

Looking forward to the rest of this series, and may it continue.

Well done Russell T Davis and BBC ONE.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi bro! Don't worry about the stupid comments you've received, you are well out of MK now and away from some of the nasty shits that inhabit MK. Lets face it if someone can post comments on the web about our mother after she's died (and not even knowing her) then that show's what sort of a person she truly is. You have a great new life to look forward to - and Dr. Who's back on the telly what more could you want!!

10:51 AM  

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